Friday, September 11, 2009

2 months ago, #2 came along!!

It's been too long. We apologize for being slow. but we are a little bit busy right now. Our new little one, Jun James Turner, is almost 2 months old. He was born July 13th, 6am. An easier delivery for Yuko and everything went well. It has been a good summer getting to know him and getting used to our expanding family. This picture looks like he has no hair, but he really does have hair (unlike his balding dad). Anna is a wonderful big sister. She enjoys singing to Jun, getting him ready for his bath and taking off his sleeper (when mom and dad are not looking),starting to change his diaper when she sees he is wet, and trying to make him laugh all the time. It is so cool to see them interacting. Anna has developed into quite the Liverpool fan. She loves her new outfit, and will insist on wearing it whenever dad has on his Liverpool top, or if she sees soccer on the TV. A future Liverpool fan in the making... he he. Anna was having a good time when we went to the Canadian Embassy for Jun's Canadian Citizenhip Card. Before leaving, she was wandering arond the lobby. Upon trying to leave she walked right into a glass wall, thinking that there was nothing there. She actually wasn't walking, more running, thank god she is not a sprint specialist! After lots of tears and a little blood, we found out she was going to be fine when she drank some orange juice in the car. She swallowed and said it hurt a little, but she was okay. The middle picture is from the trip to Disneyland with Anna and some friends. It was good, except for the end of the night. We watched a Monsters Inc. special show (Anna LOVES Monsters Inc., she asks to watch the movie about 10 times a day) which was cool, except not great for those not wearing rain ponchos or prepared for the water assault! they used water cannons to shoot up water. It was a cool effect, but after being dosed with water about 30 times, the charm wore off. I thought it was funny, but Anna started to cringe and hide as the water arced through the air. This was us in the bathroom getting changed, she was happier after that. Good times, good times. This video was from this Spring, Anna was quite happy to get this big balloon. She enjoyed practicing her soccer skills and having fun with Baba and Jiji(grandma and grandpa).
A true descendent of Rick "green thumb" the garden doing her best Rick impression. pretty funny