Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Sh@*ty night!

So yesterday Yuko and I had a bad night. I went to the Fall Out Boy concert with my friends Brett and Heather (amazing concert, highly recommend seeing them if you can) and had a good time. Coming home, got a phone call from Yuko.

She had just gotten home, and the door was not locked and a few of the rooms were awry (that means out of place Adam!). She got a little panicked and left the apartment to call her mom and the police.

Yes, somebody broke into our apartments. I got there 10 minutes after the police did. I finally saw some Japanese policeman doing some policing. They did the whole fingerprints, pictures, looking for clues outside with flashlights, etc. (They even took me and Yuko's prints to compare against ones they found!) Kind of like CSI, but not really all that cool cause it was our stuff they were investigating. The jackasses that robbed us, went through our drawers and stuff in our bedroom, opening drawers and throwing stuff on the floor. They did not trash the place, but the violation of knowing they were in our house is more than enough for this cat!

Took a bunch of cash (our savings for our flight home this summer), Yuko's computer (all our pics and files....fu*#ing idiots!!), our cordless phone (that is useless without the base phone).

The saddest and most frustrating part...they took the engagement necklace i had given Yuko, the pearls she wore at our wedding, and the 1 year anniversary diamond necklace I bought for Yuko in December. (Adam, can you help me find another one??)
The money, computer, phone, I can live without. But what a kick in the balls to lose the necklaces. Can not be replaced!!!
Only positive thing I have from this is that Yuko was not at home when this happened. I don't even want to think about that scenario.
So if you have a chance, say a little prayer for us that Yuko stays calm and doesn't get paranoid, that it never happens again to us or anyone else (unrealistic I know, but humor me please), and that the people who robbed us see the error of their ways and stop being jerks OR have their hands chopped off in a freak train accident so they can never steal again (hopefully you choose the latter, because this is how I feel right now!!)

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Congratulations to Dalia and Luke!!

Look who's having a baby now???
Omedetto to my (much) older brother Luke and his lovely wife Dalia!
They called this weekend to tell us the great news. They are expecting a baby, due date is August 30th. They waited a few months to tell us, but we still love them anyways. Well done Luke on keeping a secret...you are growing up young Skywalker.
All the best from the other soon-to-be parents in the TUrner family.
MAtt & Yuko

Friday, February 16, 2007

Pregnant Yuko and baby naming contest

So two pictures of a very pregnant Yuko. She is mad at me because she has increased her weight, but duh...that is what happened when you are pregnant right???
I love how her little belly button sticks out, it is really cute. LIfe is good, only 5 more weeks of teaching until Spring break, then it will be two weeks to scramble and get ready for the baby's arrival, and to prepare for my new teaching position...GRade 1!!!
Is anyone interested in an online pool to see who can guess the arrival date? We were thinking this might be an interesting way to help with naming rights for the new baby. The brothers all believe the baby should have their name in some sense. For example: Little Adam (first name only), Lucky Luke, DAniella, Moose, Big John.
So the baby is due April 17th. If you can guess the day of arrival, you can choose the middle name. Contestants must choose the correct day (Japan time). If the same days are chosen, you must choose a delivery time and the closest person will win. If the baby is born on the day you choose, you can choose the middle name.
Contest is open to anybody that I know and approve of. Post your expected date of arrival in the comments with your own name. You can tell us the potential name or keep it a suprise in case you win.
MAtt & Yuko
ps-in case you think this is me being an idiot without Yuko's approval, you are right and wrong. Yes I am an idiot, but no I am not doing this without Yuko's knowledge. She is sitting beside me and she said it is fine. (She is playing a video game which can consumer her attention, but she has said she is fine with it. I have asked her 3 times).
pps-If the baby is born Friday April 13th, JAson is not an option for the name.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Adam and MAy-MAy week

The lovely couple-Adam & May

He can be a clutz...

NEver know if you can trust a...


Just wanted to say hello to all of you Adam&MAy-MAy fans. They are getting a chance to hang out for the next couple weeks before she moves to Australia. Yuko and I are big fans of her, we are hoping she can smarten him up and make him give up his turncoat ways.

Have a great week you two, and we wish you nothing but happiness and good times. Long distance is tough, but Yuko and I survived 20 months of it, so I am sure you guys can be happy as well.

M & Y

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

a few more pics

sweet tasting butterhorns
our christmas lights display

cutting the turkey for the first time. looking good eh??
fantastic dinner, but the gravy was terrible
Candace in her new kimono (bought at a flea market for dirt cheap) and Ty (smiliest guy I know). great to have them visit. They were both virgins to Asia, and it was Candace's first trip outside of North America. how cool is that??

anyways, i should be working.

I will try to post a more recent picture of Yuko and her swelling belly. I love her bellybutton...so wierd how it pops out, but it is soooooo cute.

again, i should be working

Various pics from the last few months...

some pictures from our first Christmas together as a married couple (hmmmm, that turkey was good!). Thanks for the great jacket Johnny!
some of our visitors from the past few months (Luke and Dalia in the summer, Adam, and Candace & Ty)--Sorry AT, I couldn't find any pics of us together!!
Watching the Liverpool game on New Years Day that we were supposed to be at. Was a lot more fun watching it in the comfort of home! how good do we look? Our little baby should be a ravid Liverpool supporter eh?


Saturday, February 3, 2007

First pic to be uploaded! MAtt(who needs a shave) and pregnant little Yuko. We are matching our outfits and preparing dinner for our friends CAndace and Ty (who took this picture). Life is going well,and hopefully we can get some other pictures uploaded to keep those looking in up-to-date!

Yuko has two more days of work, then she is on holidays till God knows when. Will be good for her to be finished at school. She is still full of energy and doesn't complain (except at night when her legs are usually bugging her). I do not know if she is enjoying the pregnancy, but she is definitely a good woman to put up with me and the little one kicking around inside her. Only 10 more weeks...holy smokes!!

Take care all
M & Y

Thursday, February 1, 2007

First post

Just trying this out. Not sure if we will stick with it, but maybe we will finally get some pics up on the web.
Might be a good way to keep people posted on the development of the first Turner grandchild.
