Tuesday, December 4, 2007

My bad...Apologies to Daniel & John

After reading the comments for the most recent post, I realize I failed to give credit where credit is due. Daniel (and partly John) are to thank for giving me the great idea of taking Yuko to see Maroon 5. Thank you guys for saving me and providing a chance to take Yuko to our first concert together (where she can see how much of a chump Adam Levine really is). I hope that my coach (DAniel) will continue to provide me with lots of good advice and guidance.
Sorry for not acknowledging it beforehand. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

November fun

It has been about a month since the last post, and the monthly reminder from Rick in Canada has arrived. Yes DAd, we will try to get the posts up on a more regular basis:)
Things are going great in Japan. Yuko and I celebrated our respective birthdays and although a year older, we are both still young and full of energy. For Yuko's birthday there was a little treasure hunt for her plethora of presents, the big one being tickets to see MAroon 5 next year in Tokyo (she dreams about Adam Levine, the lead singer, so I thought it would be nice to let her see how he pales in comparison to myself...hence we are going to the concert to see him in the flesh).


Yuko suprised me for my birthday by inviting her parents, brother and sister-in-law(Kaori) for a wonderful dinner at our aparment. It is a treat to have the Takahashi's over for dinner. We have only had her parents join us for dinner once before, and her brother and Kaori joined us for the first time. It was a great night.

Anna is doing great. She is 9.9kg (22 pounds) and is 74cm long. Another 85cm and she will be the same height as her mother. Isn't that crazy?? I love my girls. Her first two teeth are coming in slowly. The two middle teeth on the bottom row.
She caught her first cold courtesy of me, and I felt quite bad as she was not very happy and developed a bad runny nose. SEeing her blow little snot bubbles when she got excited was hilarious, but a little bit disgusting! Might get video of that up at one point in time, but for now, we'll just show you a bunch of pictures from the past month or so.

(Do you like Anna's Liverpool hat?? SHe loves it!)

Practicing her stretching...touch them toes

Lunch with Grandpa and Grandma Takahashi

Anna's hair is looking good

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Pictures from October

Our little angel started eating solid food since 3 weeks ago. She eats rice, vegetables, and fruits once a day. She enjoys eating like her parents.

She can already hold a cup by herself! She is more talented than Matt, but not cuter than him. (Matt forced me to write that. I think they are both super cute.)

One sunday morning Anna was happy with dad. But he started playing PS2 and ignoring her. So she got tired of him and fell asleep.

We went to Halloween party at Matt's school on October 26th. Anna's first costume was Pumpkin. She wore the orange sleeper from this summer, but it was already too tight for her.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Big wonderful memories in Canada

We finally tidied up the pictures, so we decided to put some here.
This summer we had a very very good time in Canada with the Turner Family.

and with Anna's favorite uncles:)

"Blue Steel"... looks so cute!!

Thank you so much Turner family for our great summer.
Lots of love,
Yuko, Anna, and Stinky Matt

Monday, October 1, 2007

Latest pictures

Matt left us behind last weekend, because of soccer games, so we stayed over at my parents house and had a good time.
Anna is getting stronger and stronger. Recently she stands up if we help her a little bit, and also she can enjoy reading serious novel.
There are pictures with great grandparents, and the super young looking Hideaki (her grandpa). They love Anna so much just like her Canadian grandparents do. and now Anna is trying to type something.

The last three pictures are of Akie(Yuko's cousin) and Kaede(Anna's cousin). Kaede is 2 months younger than Anna, but they are best friend already. Kaede is teething now! in these pictures Anna is trying to be J-Lo with her new leg warmers.