Monday, October 1, 2007

Latest pictures

Matt left us behind last weekend, because of soccer games, so we stayed over at my parents house and had a good time.
Anna is getting stronger and stronger. Recently she stands up if we help her a little bit, and also she can enjoy reading serious novel.
There are pictures with great grandparents, and the super young looking Hideaki (her grandpa). They love Anna so much just like her Canadian grandparents do. and now Anna is trying to type something.

The last three pictures are of Akie(Yuko's cousin) and Kaede(Anna's cousin). Kaede is 2 months younger than Anna, but they are best friend already. Kaede is teething now! in these pictures Anna is trying to be J-Lo with her new leg warmers.


Anonymous said...

Matt and Yuko,
How cute is Anna, she might have the best smile ever. Keep up with the pics because she always makes John and I happy whenever we look at her. Say hi to Hideaki and Masoko for John and I and hopefully you guys come over again next summer. Daniel and John

Akie Ha said...
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Akie Ha said...

Thank you for letting us to join your blog! We enjoyed seeing the pictures and reading you guys comments so much.
I agreed that Anna and Kaede are already best friend as Yuko and I were(are!). The pictures are so cute except my horrible red tights like alien :) See you soon! Akie

Anonymous said...

Looking more and more Zidane-esque by the day

Anonymous said...

Wow does she remind me of Matt...hopefully she becomes more like her least then she will have better taste in football...
Though I have to be biased and say that there's another little girl out there who might have as cute a smile as Anna...
Can't wait to see you guys,
love from SIngapore