Tuesday, February 6, 2007

a few more pics

sweet tasting butterhorns
our christmas lights display

cutting the turkey for the first time. looking good eh??
fantastic dinner, but the gravy was terrible
Candace in her new kimono (bought at a flea market for dirt cheap) and Ty (smiliest guy I know). great to have them visit. They were both virgins to Asia, and it was Candace's first trip outside of North America. how cool is that??

anyways, i should be working.

I will try to post a more recent picture of Yuko and her swelling belly. I love her bellybutton...so wierd how it pops out, but it is soooooo cute.

again, i should be working


Unknown said...

You are bald... hahaha

MAtt said...

funny man djec
pot calling the kettle black, don't you think??
The KIng

Anonymous said...

You call that thing a turkey? In Kansas, we would call that the Webster amongst the gaggle of sparrows. Small portions...I miss Japan!

adaminsingapore said...

Nice to see you are following the footsteps of your younger brother Matt. (For those reading, a more interesting, adventurous, informational blog can be found at http://www.turnerinspain.blogspot.com/
I promise I don't have any attempts at Turkey meals, no failed attempts at Butterhorns and definitely no Liverpool propaganda...I mean, they can't even beat Everton.

Ha ha.. the site looks good Matt. Too bad there are no photos of our great time together. Perhaps Yuko has just hidden them all so you don't have to live with the shame of remembering how I beat you in Mario Kart.

And where is your Chelsea jersey?
(I hope you don't figure out how to delete annoying people's messages...)

adaminsingapore said...

And can you fix your links please? Gary's boring blog connects to a Tokyo soccer league? Perhaps I should have tutored you in the ways of blogspot instead of beating you in games and doing all the dishes?

As you readers might find, I am for sure Matthew's favourite brother. For this reason, it is probably why they have chosen to name their future child "Little Adam". Sorry for ruining the surprise Matt and Yuko.

Miss you Yuko - have fun not working for the next few months and take care of your foot. Get Matthew to do everything!

MAtt said...

do you work or just write rude comments on a rookie's blog? i'm learning as i go, i am doing a full time job, juggling a family life, and taking care of my very pregnant wife. And "Little Adam" has definitely been x-nayed by all of us here in Japan. Even Yuko's parents hated the idea. Think we are going with "Little D"

thanks for the tips on the link, i will adjust
The King

Anonymous said...

Matt, I have to say that Adam might be our funniest brother, he cracks me up. John and I cannot wait to come over and visit you and your wife. It would be nice to see the first grandchild be called Daniel, it would be quite the honor. As for you, you might have to practice up on Mario Kart because I remember vaguely beating you with both arms tied behind my back, so practice up. Take care, little d