So two pictures of a very pregnant Yuko. She is mad at me because she has increased her weight, but duh...that is what happened when you are pregnant right???
I love how her little belly button sticks out, it is really cute. LIfe is good, only 5 more weeks of teaching until Spring break, then it will be two weeks to scramble and get ready for the baby's arrival, and to prepare for my new teaching position...GRade 1!!!
Is anyone interested in an online pool to see who can guess the arrival date? We were thinking this might be an interesting way to help with naming rights for the new baby. The brothers all believe the baby should have their name in some sense. For example: Little Adam (first name only), Lucky Luke, DAniella, Moose, Big John.
So the baby is due April 17th. If you can guess the day of arrival, you can choose the middle name. Contestants must choose the correct day (Japan time). If the same days are chosen, you must choose a delivery time and the closest person will win. If the baby is born on the day you choose, you can choose the middle name.
Contest is open to anybody that I know and approve of. Post your expected date of arrival in the comments with your own name. You can tell us the potential name or keep it a suprise in case you win.
MAtt & Yuko
ps-in case you think this is me being an idiot without Yuko's approval, you are right and wrong. Yes I am an idiot, but no I am not doing this without Yuko's knowledge. She is sitting beside me and she said it is fine. (She is playing a video game which can consumer her attention, but she has said she is fine with it. I have asked her 3 times).
pps-If the baby is born Friday April 13th, JAson is not an option for the name.
The date will be April 18, at 3pm. The middle name could be James, Richard, or both. I would prefer a Japanese name, preferably, meaning peace. Just a few suggestions. Rick Turner
Yuko, you look great now as always, just think of that little bundle of joy that will arrive on April 20 at 5 a.m. Karen or Adele would be a lovely name seeing as this is one of your favorite aunties b-day. IF it is a boy - maybe Sam or Shane, not like I like my brothers and sisters or anything like that!!!! be patient this last little while, it is the last time you will be alone for awhile, at least til you come to Airdrie in July and I give you lots of breaks so I can have the pleasure of a baby again. grandma Michele
I will take April 10th, at 12:29pm. You'll have to wait to hear the kid's name, it's going to be a good one. Take care.
John Paul
"increased her weight"?? Turner, you're fluent in Japanese-English, I had no idea!! I always said, "gained weight"... May the 4th be with you
Isn't this just the best time in your lives? Before you know it you will be celebrating 40 birthdays with your children.Agghhhh!
I say April 24 at 10:00 am. That is Grandpa George's birthday. So George would be my pick for a another Turner boy.
Lots of love, AK
Hello all, message from Hawaii 5.0 CJ and I are just congratulating my eldest brother Luke and Dalia on the next addition in the Turner clan. We didn't think you had it in yah with half the infantry but the underdog was victorious. It's been a great time here, got burn pretty badly on the first day, maybe 2nd degree burns on my legs but don't worry, be happy (Bob Marley) but going to the beach for our last day tomorrow. Due date arrival for CJ is April 17th 2:22 a.m. for little d I choose April 19th 1:15 a.m. We will let you know of the name later. Take care, CJ and little d
This is your cousin Liz....who always finds out info about her cousins having babies by surfing the Internet......sheesh. I would also like to venture a guess. I choose, right on time- the 17th at 7:47 pm.
Boy=Gavin or Aidan
Girl= Keira (it means black-haired in Gaelic which I thought would be amusing)
So those are my picks....hope you two are doing well.
Liz (Turner)
P.S- If Daniel is still in Hawaii and wants to check and see what trouble my sister is getting into he should email me(t2r81@unb.ca)or my parents. I was going to put her cell phone down here but realized that might be sketchy
I figured I should venture a guess since Matt already confirmed when I called him last night that I get to name the kid anyways. Sorry to disappoint all the other bidders.
I guess it just goes with the territory that Yuko likes me best out of all the brothers and I was the last one to visit them. But I'll still throw in an official vote Matt just to make the other people feel like it isn't rigged (wink wink)
April 16th, 9:57am
I will release the name after the baby is born. I guarantee to name the child after a famous war hero, in honour of Yuko's Dad being a samurai legend. Perhaps, the war hero from that Hollywood movie a few years back, about the Last Samurai? Tom is sounding mighty good right now...
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