Monday, September 17, 2007

End of Summer-building a house!

Seems that I can only manage to post every 2 months or so...not a great record. We'll try to improve that a bit.
Today's video is of the Turner Land house, a stackwall log house that we started building this summer. It is a project 20 some odd years in the making, and it was one of the coolest things I have every helped on! Another video with more Anna will be posted this week.
Enjoy and keep the comments coming! We love to read them!


Anonymous said...

great pics bro...really loved seeing Yuko and Anna (and of course you and the fam) looks awesome...keep the pics coming...hope you got the most recent ones of Haley

Anonymous said...

Alright, so I might have to archive that video cause the moose impression from Uncle Rick (it was a moose impression right?) is probably the funniest thing I've seen in you think Anna is laughing WITH him or AT him?

Liz T