Things are going great in Japan. Yuko and I celebrated our respective birthdays and although a year older, we are both still young and full of energy. For Yuko's birthday there was a little treasure hunt for her plethora of presents, the big one being tickets to see MAroon 5 next year in Tokyo (she dreams about Adam Levine, the lead singer, so I thought it would be nice to let her see how he pales in comparison to myself...hence we are going to the concert to see him in the flesh).


Yuko suprised me for my birthday by inviting her parents, brother and sister-in-law(Kaori) for a wonderful dinner at our aparment. It is a treat to have the Takahashi's over for dinner. We have only had her parents join us for dinner once before, and her brother and Kaori joined us for the first time. It was a great night.
Anna is doing great. She is 9.9kg (22 pounds) and is 74cm long. Another 85cm and she will be the same height as her mother. Isn't that crazy?? I love my girls. Her first two teeth are coming in slowly. The two middle teeth on the bottom row.
She caught her first cold courtesy of me, and I felt quite bad as she was not very happy and developed a bad runny nose. SEeing her blow little snot bubbles when she got excited was hilarious, but a little bit disgusting! Might get video of that up at one point in time, but for now, we'll just show you a bunch of pictures from the past month or so.
(Do you like Anna's Liverpool hat?? SHe loves it!)
Practicing her stretching...touch them toes
Lunch with Grandpa and Grandma Takahashi
Anna's hair is looking good
Hello Turners in Japan, pics look good but I just want everybody to know that it wasn't Matt's idea to take Yuko to the concert, it was his younger and better looking brothers that told him about it, John and I. I thought I'd help him out because he's kinda of an idiot so I thought I'd get him out of the dog house with Yuko. Just wanted everybody to know that cause I guess Matt likes to take credit for someone else's idea. Take care and have a fun time in Singapore with Adumb. Daniel
Matt, Yuko and Beautiful Anna, thanks for the great pics, I kind of agree with Yuko about the maroon five guy, but then she does have excellant taste. How lucky the Takahashi's are to spend that time with you, looks like a swell (yes I said a swell) time. love grandma T. (oops-how about canadian grandma T)
Not so much Adam Levine, you more resemble Rob Halford.
BBQ--Be careful whilst in Singapore else you may be awarded a canin'! 'Breakin' the law, breakin' the law...'
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