Friday, January 11, 2008

Our Christmas holidays

On December 8th, we finally got to meet Haley. She is a freaking cute and happy baby! She was smiling all the time, even after Anna beat her up.
After the fight they took a nap together. They are wonderful cousin. It was a very short time, but we had a great time with Luke, Dalia, and Haley. Thanks for stopping.

The three of us went to Singapore to visit family and friends(Adam, May,Heather, Brett, and Dave).
It was not as hot as we expected, but still too hot for us. A short visit but full of good times.

On Christmas day, the Turners(Anna, Yuko, Matt, and Adam) were victorious over the Non-Turners in a thrilling game of Cranium. We were losing badly but the clouds parted we could see clearly and we won easily. Later in the day Heather got revenge and destroyed everyone in cards. Matt was the worst and Brett reminded him often "Some people shuffle, some people don't, but I do." (a stupid line that MAtt came up with after being asked why he shuffles so much when he is losing)

New massage for Uncle Adam
He really liked it.
The winning Turner team

Her eyes are still pretty blue eh?

Cute Santa outfit from Heather

Her first christmas morning getting shoes from Auntie Maymay

Anna in Haley's Bambo chair
It was a tight fit.

Dave standing proud after getting Anna to fall asleep. It was one of his favorite moments in this holiday.

Thanks for making wonderful brunch, Heather and Brett!
Two headed Turner, a new species...

Anna's first 'OTOSHI-DAMA' from Auntie Mieko
Thank you very much.

This baby octopus looks good eh Michele??
Bye bye everyone. Thanks so much to Adam and May for taking care of all of us in Singapore, and a HUGE thanks to Luke and Dalia for letting us stay in their place. It was awesome. apologies for the lengthy delay in the update, maybe it will be better this new year.
Love you all lots


Anonymous said...

She really is that cute in person too. Awesome time with Matt, Yuko and Anna here - and Matt's extended guests; Heather, Brett and Dave. Didn't do much but take it easy and it was great.

I'd like to credit the Turner's win to all of my Cranium days in Lethbridge. Sorry non-Turners, one day, if you're privileged enough, you might be on the winning team!!

Great to have Haley back, along with her parents. She is such a happy baby and brightens up any day!

Anonymous said...

Great pics bro...looked like you guys had lots of fun. Was great to see all of you in Tokyo--so happy you guys could make the drive up. Have you practiced your cribbage skills so that you can score more than 5 pts.
You have one really cute little girl bro. (probably comes from your wife's side of the family--I can't take credit for Haley either).
Hope to see you in the summer bro, can't wait.
Lots of love from Singapore to you and your girls from me and my girls.