Friday, March 16, 2007

One month and a day...

So it is March 16th, been slow this week on getting a post up. End of term, scrambling to get things ready for Grade 1 next year, and the blog kind of fell to the wayside. But it is Friday, last day of my first year at Columbia. Good school, loads of good people (teachers and students). Leaving the junior/senior side of the school will be a little sad, but I am definitely looking forward to doing my best in Elementary. Grade 1 here I come!!!

Here is the cutest mom in the whole world. She is a trooper. The past few weeks have been a little tough on her and the little gaffer. Her back and legs are really bothering her. I do my best with my mediocre massage skills. Sometimes they are good enough, but sometimes they do not measure up and I get an earful from quiet, timid, innocent Yuko!

She went for her checkup on Tuesday the 13th, the doctor said our baby was quite large. Not sure if they are international standards (my guess is no!) but he said the baby's head was at the size of a 40 week old baby. Great, except we still have 4 more weeks! Hopefully it was just a growth spurt and that the baby will stay around the same size as he/she is now.

This is Yuko's picture of her pondering is it going to be a girl or a boy! We still have not asked to know the sex of the baby, pretty exciting. We can't wait either way, as long as it is a healthy and happy baby. It is pretty crazy to think that little tiny Yuko has a really really big belly!! I can't tell you how much weight she put on. She thinks it is a crazy amount, and I told her I thought she hadn't put on enough weight. Different backgrounds obviously! Hearty eaters in the Turner family, dainty, rice and fish in the Takahashi's family.

Speaking of T & T, she did finally change her name. She is officially a Turner!!

Anyways, two weeks of holidays. Hopefully we will have a new computer and video camera by this weekend. Hope all of you are doing well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

T & T, this is a message from JPT and little d from Spokane. Everything is going well here, basketball games have been awesome and still got one more set of games to go. Tell Yuko that her favorite brothers-in-law will be there in about 2 months to hang out with her inside of Matt. Well hopefully we talk to you guys sooner rather than later, take care. JPT and little d