Saturday, March 24, 2007

Y & M, 1st video!!

IF all goes well, the first video upload will be successful, and you will be able to see the first Turner grandchild LIVE! (as an ultrasound, but still pretty cool!)

Video taken Friday, March 23rd, in Saitama, Japan.

Lots of love to everyone
Y & M


Anonymous said...

Hi Matt & Yuko,
Thanks so much for sharing a moment in time of your beautiful life. You both look great and we think of you often and can't wait until the newest Turner has arrived to sing backup. Love to you both.
Gavin & MJ

Anonymous said...

Wow how cool was that!! NOt to worry Yuko about baby being too big. we women are very talented at doing what we think may be impossible. trust in the wonderful way we are made. also, apologies to gavin as I told him the ultra sound was of luke and dalia's little one. hadn't seen this yet. thanks for the song Yuko. love mother

Kim Forge said...

Hello Junior Turners,
I had a look from Luke's email. I am so excited for you both. It is an excellent experience and I am loving motherhood the third time around. Take care or yourself and enjoy your sleep.
xoxo Kim