Wednesday, April 18, 2007


we are able to make a post. But, it is not the one i think most people are waiting for. Yuko is still pregnant, and we are both still waiting patiently for the little baby to arrive. The due date of April 17th has come and gone, and it is 9pm on the 18th, and not looking very likely to be a birth today. I personally am a little anxious, but Yuko is fine and carrying on as normal.
We can see that the baby has dropped in her stomach, and it definitely is not as active as before, but it is still a waiting game.
Like all good things, it takes time! Apparently a little more than the 9 months.

Will try to post or email or call as soon as we hear anything different. Love to all and hope you are smiling. We both are:)
ps- cute baby eh? not ours, but darn cute

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dear father of first grandchild, you cannnot give your mother such thrill and then say it is not ours. and besides I do hope you are not going to tell us over this website!!!!! hint hint. cute baby but yours and yuko's will be ... well you know ... cuter. love "soon to be a grandma"
p.s. if the baby is born when I am in vegas(leave early sun morning the 22) There is a reward for those who keep the fact that I was off gambling when our first grandchild arrived - reward depending on how lucky I was !!!!