Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Uncle Daniel & Uncle Johnny!

The first two Turners to meet little Anna arrived on May 25th from Canada. Taking a trip around the world for a month, their first stop brought them into contact with Anna.
I think they are big fans of her, as you can see by the pictures.

We went to the local Shinto shrine on Sunday morning to have Anna blessed. Tradition is that you go to the shrine approximately 1 month after being born to have her blessed. It was interesting, but it would have been better if we had known what exactly the priests were chanting. oh well, good experience anyways.
Went out for dinner with Hideaki, Masako, and Hideaki's younger sister and her daughter Akie. As you can see, Akie is also pregnant, so Anna's first little cousin will be arriving in June, with another coming soon to Singapore in August.

We will definitely be sorry to see the boys move on to Singapore. They are a HUGE help, as you can see by the last set of pictures. It has made them visiting so much fun, and makes me super excited for the summer. only 4 weeks from this Friday Micheley!
lots of love to all, hope life is going well for you wherever you are.
MAtt & the girls (with special guests John and DAniel)

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

some recent pictures

Here are some pics of little Anna, Yuko, and a banged up Matt. First soccer injury ever. Trying to play goalkeeper Adam, and I jumped for a ball, but had stepped back too close to the net. Head met crossbar, lots of blood flowed, and 7 stiches later this is what I look like. Not the highlite of my soccer playing days, but what to do.
Anna is doing well. still pretty quiet, makes both of us smile lots, and we are enjoying her. Yuko is looking great, can hardly tell she had a baby almost 1 month ago. I apologize to the Turner's abroad and in Canada. It was an oversight to fuel Adam's raging ego, yes they have the same initials, but she is DEFINITELY NOT little AT.
hope everyone is well

Saturday, May 5, 2007

It's movie time!

Thank you for your patience (for those that were waiting)
I have finally put the first video compilation of Anna Sakura Turner. She is looking cute (or at least both her parents think so)!
It is a tad long, almost 15 minutes, but I thought this was better than a bunch of short videos. Enjoy at your own leisure.