Here are some pics of little Anna, Yuko, and a banged up Matt. First soccer injury ever. Trying to play goalkeeper Adam, and I jumped for a ball, but had stepped back too close to the net. Head met crossbar, lots of blood flowed, and 7 stiches later this is what I look like. Not the highlite of my soccer playing days, but what to do.
Anna is doing well. still pretty quiet, makes both of us smile lots, and we are enjoying her. Yuko is looking great, can hardly tell she had a baby almost 1 month ago. I apologize to the Turner's abroad and in Canada. It was an oversight to fuel Adam's raging ego, yes they have the same initials, but she is DEFINITELY NOT little AT.
hope everyone is well

Most people would have a little hair up there to cushion the blow
Matt's goirls look beautiful. On the otherhand, Matt remember the guys leg you broke in soccer, perhaps his karma just got back at you. Thanks for the pictures of the ladies.lpdy
How wodnerful you all look ,well maybe not Matt, and I think I like Anna's little hat more than yours Matthew. Yuko, you are one lovely lady, and Anna is soooooo cute. I could just put AT on the towel if that is what you would like Matt, I don't think Adam would mind. Seriously your head is a bit well gross, Matt hope it heals well. wouldn't want it to mar your good looks. no wonder Anna is so beautiful, look at her parents. love to you both Grandma T.
that is one cute baby...love the yawning picture at the bottom...
didn't know you could jump that high Matt...
glad to see you are all looking so healthy and happy (even with the stitches)...can't wait to see you
No worries to the rest of the Turners, I understand Matt wanting to have as much of me to do with Anna as he could.
Initials, him trying to play goalie like me in soccer, getting stitches and scars like I have on my head, coming back to school to go through Education with me. Touching, it really is Matt. I am indebted to you - perhaps I'll go run into a post or something to get some more stitches. I'll dedicate it to you
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