Saturday, May 5, 2007

It's movie time!

Thank you for your patience (for those that were waiting)
I have finally put the first video compilation of Anna Sakura Turner. She is looking cute (or at least both her parents think so)!
It is a tad long, almost 15 minutes, but I thought this was better than a bunch of short videos. Enjoy at your own leisure.


Anonymous said...

Bro, she is beautiful...were you talking about Yuko's camera skills as the professional part?
Bad joke...
So happy for you all...your inlaws looks so proud and happy. Yuko--you look awesome! And little Anna looks amazing...can't wait to see you all in a couple of months...take care of each other
Love from the Pore

Candace said...

Matt, Yuko and Anna!

I loved watching every minute of the video (even though- with my slow lap top it took 30 mins to watch). You all look very happy and healthy. Your parents must be bursting with pride- who knew that the Turners could actually have a girl?? Anna looks beautiful! I can not believe how much she liked the bath... she must be easy going like her parents! Anyways, I can not wait to meet Anna, and see you guys too I guess (hehehe). Congrats again, and keep on sending pics and videos I love em!


Anonymous said...

Matt and Yuko, cute little kid. Can't wait to hang out with Anna and Yuko, and maybe you Matt. Take care, Daniel

Anonymous said...

Dear Matt and Yuko. wasn't that just the best video I've ever seen!!!. how awesome to see Anna so soon after she was born. I loved the little kimono they put on her. Richard was bad and never told me the video was here as he said I had lots of work to do!!!
Yuko you look wonderful, (you look great too Matt) and how wonderful is little Anna. Never making a peep as you bathed her. you looked quite at ease Yuko, good for you. Lucky Masako to be there, Helping you. Made me a little bit sad to be so far away and not able to hold her, but you will be here before I know it and I will have some lovely times with you all.sorry for the late reply , but all our comment stuff is still in Japanese and I couldn't figure it out.. Love to you all. well done Mother

adaminsingapore said...

Matty, Yugo yuko and little AT,
Great little video - awesome to see all of you. Can't wait to see you in less than 2 months in Japan. Don't worry, I'll wake up with you Yuko during the night if I have to. We can go around town while Matt has to work and do all sorts of fun stuff!! Don't worry, Matt I'll still play with you at night - Mario Cart anyone? Or Air Hockey?

Thanks for the video - things look wonderful and Masako and Hideyaki look great.