We finally tidied up the pictures, so we decided to put some here.
This summer we had a very very good time in Canada with the Turner Family.
and with Anna's favorite uncles:)
"Blue Steel"... looks so cute!!
Thank you so much Turner family for our great summer.
Lots of love,
Yuko, Anna, and Stinky Matt
thanks Yuko for putting the uncles in order of who Anna loves the best to least...Haley would vote the same way probably, at least the part about Adam being the least liked out of all her uncles would be the same...
Can't wait to see you guys in December
Luke, Dalia, and Haley
Thanks for the photos - I'm sure it was listed save the best for last
Love the picture with her being held up to the sky - looks a lot like me, a little "star" in the sky, a star in the life of others...
Hi there guys!!
I just wanted to say how nice it was to have met all three of you, and to have had you at mine and Ryan's wedding! It's been a really nice experience getting to know your whole family. I hope that Anna is doing well...has her hair flattened at all? I hope not, because that was really adorable ha ha.
Hopefully we will see you sometime in the near future!
Take care,
Ashley Saurette
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