Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It's been a long time...

To all who still check this blog, It has been far too long, and I have been getting questions from both sets of grandparents...when is their going to be an update? when can we see pictures of the summer holidays? well, no real excuses, just busy busy busy. Canada was fantastic. 6 weeks enjoying the company of family, friends and food. We enjoyed the meals, the drinks (thanks Al, Ryan and MArk) and the laughs. One of the best holidays I have ever enjoyed, and I thank my lovely parents and brothers in Canada, as well as my fantastic wife and baby girl. Can't wait for the next holiday! WE spent lots of time relaxing in Airdrie, hanging out with the Turner family that was home. We helped building the new log cabin a little bit, but most of the work has been finished and the early starts limited our efforts! (sorry Ricky!)

One of the highlites of the trip was seeing Anna playing with water. She went to splashparks with her friend KAi, played in the backyard near the garden with a bucket and measuring spoon, enjoyed the little pool that Grandma & Grandpa Turner got for her, playing in a pond (with Auntie Therese's dog) in the mountains when we went on our golf trip, and running through the sprinkler. Definitely one of my favorite memories was running through the sprinkler with her while she squealed in delight, and also doing the same during a summer thunder shower. the sheer happiness was amazing.

Rick and Michele watching Anna in the pool

Anna in sprinkler

Waterfall in pool

Trying to eat apples in the pool

Running through the sprinkler with Grandma Turner

Airdrie Splashpark

Some other fun memories were playing with her cousin HAley in the bath, crawling around the kitchen with Uncle Luke, swinging in a tire swing, chasing chickens, getting pulled in the wagon and pushing eachother in the wagon, and laughing lots. She also had fun with all her uncles, who were usually nice to her, but being Turners, they also were quite good at teasing her. I think Uncle Daniel or Uncle John are still her favorites! She loved going to the local parks, swinging on the swings and going down slides. We enjoyed watching her play in the almost finished log house that my parents are building. thankfully she didn't fall off the side of the deck or through a hole in the floor! She is getting better at chin-ups though!

Uncle Daniel trying to feed Anna at the land...nice work

Two cousins

Crawling with Uncle Luke

Meeting up with different friends (Brett&Heather, Nina&Ryan, Al, Ryan, Gen&Chris&Kai, and various counsins) was awesome. Lots of laughs, a few good night of drinking(you can see in the pictures which nights were drinking nights) and great memories.

Lastly, some of my favorite pics from the summer. It was great seeing Anna with all her uncles, her grandma & grandpa, and all the people who were nice enough to stop in and say hello. She was VERY, VERY happy to see her Auntie Dalia and Auntie LEah. Although it was only for a short time, I know she loved it:)
Thanks to everyone for a great summer, and hopefully the updates are more regular from now on.

Lots of love
MAtt, Yuko and Anna


Anonymous said...

It IS about time!!!
Gooodd pictures, I would like copies, if you can squeeze in with your 5 o-clock rising and 4 o'clock going to bed-whiner!
Thanks, moosey

Anonymous said...

I do like this Blog, it is really nice.

Anonymous said...

wonderfull to see all the pictures, Matt. brought back so so many happy times. I'll enjoy looking at them often. Mother

Akie Ha said...

Great pictures! Seems you guys had lots of fun. I enjoyed to see the beautiful scenery pics too. We already put your blog link on our blog! Akie and Ha family

Anonymous said...

Quit bein' such a douche nozzle and update your page eh?