The last part of 2008 was good to us here in Japan. Lots of good times with friends and family. We met up with Yuko's family quite often before Christmas and just after New Years. It was nice to see everyone, and as usual, the food was superb. Thank you Chez-Masako:)
The second picture is of Anna drinking apple juice out of a little sake cup. We all were drinking sake (I think it was with breakfast on January 1st...can't remember) and she decided that she needed one. WE indulged, and she was quite funny downing the juice like other people were downing the alcohol.
These pictures are from boxing day and December 27th. We went to an onsen (hot spring) with Yuko's parents. Just the five of us, and it was awesome. the place we went to had just received a huge dump of snow, so it kind of felt like Christmas. I was super happy for that...I even enjoyed having a snowball fight with Yuko and her Dad.
The last set of pictures are just various sets that mark the end of the holidays and the beginning of working in 2009. Meeting up with Yuko's brother Yoshiaki and his lovely pregnant wife Kaori (due in the Spring), Masako's father and Masako's brother, his wife and boy Tomo.
I'm suprised you misspelled "surprise."
cheers for the anonymous spell check.
it was a surprise for myself as well...should start doing these things at a decent hour!
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