Sunday, June 22, 2008

Modelling in Ginza

It has been too long since our last post. End of term and all that comes with it, plus Yuko enjoying her last month with just Anna before she returns to work in September. Should be interesting in the Turner house once we are both teaching again and Anna is being taken care of by Yuko's lovely mother. Looking forward to it.

Today we went to Ginza, one of the posh districts of Tokyo. In the Sony building, where they show all their new gizmos and gadgets, we saw our little girl on display. One of Yuko's friends works in the showroom and she took some video of Anna to display on some of their new products. It is a cool little video that is on constant replay for the next month or so. It shows Anna in our house, at the park, laughing, walking, crying, and being pretty cute. As soon as we walked into the 4 floors of showrooms, the staff recognized the little starlet and asked us if this was Anna-chan. It was kinda funny. Anna brightened up once she saw herself on the big TV and computer screens. quite an enjoyable afternoon. here are some of the pics that the Sony guy took while at the showroom, and made a CD for us right there. i must say that he is a better photographer than myself, or maybe his camera is just a lot nicer. anyways, we thought Anna looked quite pretty. If you are in Japan and have the time, check it out.

Can't wait to be home, only a little while longer. counting down the days Mama T, soon it will be single digits. hope to see everyone that is back in Canada while we are there. 6 weeks of Canadian sun, so there is lots of time for visiting. hope all are well

Matt, Yuko, and Anna


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Cute cute cute.

No offense Matty, but the photographer is a genious compared to your photographic talents (sic).

Nate & Yuka
(though the smart-ass comment is alllll Nate's)

Anonymous said...

Your fans demand an update